Private Lessons
Looking to work on something specific, fill some specific gaps in your training, or would you simply prefer one-on-one instruction over group classes? CTCorps offers a limited number of private lessons at our facility.
1 lesson: $110
3 lessons: $300
5 lessons: $495
Please fill out the form below to get started scheduling your private training!
Therapy Dog Pre-Assessment
You’ve put in the hard work and think you and your pooch are ready to take our therapy dog certification assessment. Need that final boost of confidence? Are you looking for a practice trial with feedback from our trainers? Take our Therapy Dog Pre-Assessment to polish those skills and ensure you’re ready to test! During this 30-minute session, you and your dog will run through all 14 exercises on our therapy test and receive helpful feedback from our trainers.
30 minute assessment: $50
Please fill out the form below to get started scheduling your private training or Therapy Dog Pre-Assessment!