MAKE a payment
Prep Class + Certification test
The fee to test your future therapy dog is $50. This is a one-time fee. If your dog does not pass on the first try and you opt to retest, you do not have to pay again. To reserve your space in an upcoming certification session, you must also sign and complete a reservation form and volunteer application. You can fax, email or snail mail these to our office. A minimum of one week before the certification session, you must also provide an animal certificate of health completed and signed by your veterinarian.
Canine Therapy Corps also offers a prep class which runs for 4 weeks prior to the certification test date. The cost for this class is $150 (or a total of $200 if you are paying for the certification test fee and prep class fee). Click here for more information on the prep class.
Prefer to mail your payment instead? Send it to:
1700 West Irving Park Road, Suite 311
Chicago, Illinois 60613